Datadog DASH 2024: Key Conference Highlights, New Features, and Event Recap

Introduction Imagine a world where your software engineering team can detect and resolve issues before they impact your users. At the Datadog DASH 2024 conference, Datadog unveiled groundbreaking features that make this a reality. In this article, you’ll discover how these innovations can transform your observability, security, and operational efficiency. Key Takeaways from Datadog DASH...

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Advanced DevOps Insights: Oobeya’s Guide to Azure DevOps DORA Metrics

For modern software teams, data-driven decision-making is the cornerstone of achieving engineering excellence. By integrating the Oobeya Software Engineering Intelligence Platform with Microsoft Azure DevOps, you can seamlessly measure DORA metrics and other key engineering metrics, and enhance your team performance and well-being. Whether you are an engineering manager, a DevOps enthusiast, a Platform Engineer,...

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Identify Productivity Eaters: Top 5 Tools For Engineering Managers In 2024

Engineering managers are continually seeking the best tools to enhance team productivity, streamline processes, and maintain code quality. With a myriad of options available, it can be challenging to identify which tools truly stand out. This post highlights five standout tools that every engineering manager should consider integrating into their workflow. Why I Wrote This...

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CI/CD Decoded: Streamlining Your Development Process

In the dynamic world of software development, the need for rapid and reliable delivery of code changes has never been more critical. The CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) methodology stands out as a transformative approach, enabling teams to accelerate their development processes while maintaining high-quality standards. This blog post delves into the essence of CI/CD, its...

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