The Leading Software Engineering Intelligence Platform

A Copilot for Engineering Leaders

No more manual data collection. No more spending hours trying to get meaningful reports. Get auto-generated clear insights into software development, delivery, quality, project management, and collaboration.

Take a quick tour into Oobeya’s features

Check out how Oobeya empowers engineering leaders to gain more visibility, clear insights, and make data-driven decisions.

How does Oobeya work?

Oobeya collects and analyses data from the software development, delivery, and project management processes. Oobeya utilizes this data to generate key engineering metrics like DORA Metrics, Cycle time, and Agile metrics. Oobeya provides engineering leaders with data-driven insightful reports at the individual level, team level, and organizational level to empower decision making.
Oobeya collects and analyses data from the software development, delivery, and project management processes.
Tickets/IssuesPull RequestsCommitsDeploymentsTeam InteractionsAgile Boards/Sprints
Oobeya utilizes all data to generate key engineering metrics such as DORA Metrics, cycle time, developer productivity & efficiency metrics, and Agile metrics.
DORA MetricsSPACE FrameworkAgile MetricsCode Review MetricsQuality MetricsCycle Time
Oobeya provides engineering leaders with data-driven insightful reports at the individual level, team level, and organizational level to empower decision making.
Recurring high cognitive loadRecurring high rework rateLightning Pull RequestsBurnout risks
What does Oobeya offer?
Oobeya is where accuracy meets efficiency. Oobeya delivers the most accurate engineering metrics, out-of-the-box integrations that seamlessly integrate with your current processes, and clear automatic insights empowering data-driven decision-making. Experience the power of Oobeya - optimize your workflow, elevate your team's performance, and achieve your goals effortlessly.
What Does Oobeya Offer?
Auto-detected Symptoms
Oobeya's Symptoms module transforms the issue tracking process. It automatically detects and addresses issues in software development and delivery processes. By analyzing data from various sources, it provides clear insights into recurring anti-patterns, bad practices, and bottlenecks, empowering engineering leaders to address them efficiently.
Development Analytics
Development Analytics
Oobeya offer unique insights into your deployment processes. Track key engineering metrics like deployment frequency, lead time, and change failure rate. Identify bottlenecks and streamline workflows effortlessly. With Oobeya – make data-driven decisions, improve performance, and achieve seamless deployments.
Project Management Analytics
Project Management Analytics
Oobeya's AgileSpace module provides detailed insights into your Agile team's workflow. By analyzing all work items in Agile boards, AgileSpace generates actionable metrics to enhance planning, development, and delivery processes. It examines your team's practices, identifying bottlenecks and issues at every level, from overall workflow to individual tasks.
Accurate DORA Metrics
Accurate DORA Metrics
To ensure the most accurate DORA analysis Oobeya has developed a unique mechanism to calculate metrics across platforms like VCS, CICD, and APM tools. This ensures organizations can track commits from development to production deployment accurately, empowering them with reliable insights for optimized performance.
SPACE Framework In Action
SPACE Framework In Action
Oobeya integrates seamlessly with the SPACE Framework, revolutionizing software engineering practices. Offering insights into teams Satisfaction, Performance, Activity, Communication, and Efficiency, Oobeya empowers engineering leaders to optimize productivity and well-being of their teams.

Track Your DORA Metrics
in Just 10 Minutes

Start your free trial now and see actionable insights in minutes with Oobeya's Trial Edition.
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