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Git & Pull Request Analytics | Deployment Analytics & DORA Metrics | Board Analytics & Agile Metrics

GIT & PULL REQUESTS ANALYTICS CODING TIME The time elapsed between the first commit and open time for Pull Requests. High coding time is a major risk for the high cycle time. Developers should break large features into small pieces and keep the coding time short for each PR.
REVIEW TIME The time elapsed between the open time and merge time for Pull Requests. High review time is a blocker for dev teams. Don’t let your code changes stale.
PULL REQUEST RISKS Identifies the stale, overdue and oversized pull requests.
PULL REQUEST SIZE Total size (lines added, removed, and changed) of pull requests. Reviewers usually don’t dive deep into code if the pull request size is so high.
UNREVIEWED PULL REQUESTS Identifies lightning and self-reviewed pull requests. This helps you prevent potential bugs and accidental errors.
HIGH REWORK RATIO Code that rewritten/deleted in a short time by the same contributor. (a sign of potential issues with quality)
HIGH REFACTOR RATIO Large amount of edits and updates made on legacy code. (a sign of potential issues with quality)
DEPLOYMENT ANALYTICS & DORA METRICS LEAD TIME FOR CHANGES The amount of time it takes a commit to get into production. (DORA Metrics)
DEPLOYMENT FREQUENCY How often your team successfully releases to production. (DORA Metrics)
CHANGE FAILURE RATE The percentage of deployments causing a failure in production. (DORA Metrics)
TIME TO RESTORE SERVICE How long it takes an organization to recover from a failure in production. (DORA Metrics)
WAITING FOR DEPLOY The time elapsed between the PR merged and the deployment pipeline started.
DEPLOYMENT TIME The time elapsed between the deployment pipeline triggered and completed successfully.
BOARD ANALYTICS & AGILE METRICS PLANNING ACCURACY The percentage of sprint estimation success. Issues added after sprint start (urgent or shadow work) affects planning accuracy and priority focus in a negative way.
REACTION TIME Reaction time is the measurement of how much time a task stays in 'Not started' (to do, backlog etc.) states.
CYCLE TIME Cycle time is the measurement of how much time passes between work started on an item (story, task, bug etc.) until it’s ready for delivery. (Work started -in progress- to work completed.)
LEAD TIME Lead time is the measurement of how much time passes between task creation and when the work is completed. (Task created to work completed.)

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