An Enterprise Level Software Engineering Intelligence Platform

Driving Excellence In Software Engineering Teams

Oobeya Engineering Insights

No more manual data collection. No more spending hours trying to get meaningful reports. Get auto-generated clear insights.

Trusted by pioneering engineering leaders around the globe from startups to enterprises.

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Take a quick tour into Oobeya’s features!

Checkout how Oobeya empowers engineering leaders to gain more visibility, clear insights, and make data-driven decisions.


The most accurate, adaptable, and effortless way of tracking DORA Metrics!

To ensure the most accurate DORA metrics measurement, Oobeya has developed a unique mechanism to calculate metrics across platforms like VCS, CICD, and APM tools. This ensures organizations can track commits from development to production deployment accurately, empowering them with reliable insights for optimized software delivery performance.

Furthermore, NO changes to workflows or pipelines are required; Oobeya seamlessly integrates with existing tools to calculate DORA metrics.

Oobeya collects and analyzes all commit, pull request, and deployment data retrospectively, delivering the full historical DORA Metrics result on day one.

Your Stack. Our Insights.

To give software engineering work visibility, Oobeya gathers and transforms the data acquired from the SDLC toolset into 50+ metrics, dashboards, and insights that look across many dimensions. Once Oobeya is connected to the SDLC toolset, data is gathered and aggregated in real-time without the need for manual input.


including GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, Azure Boards, Azure Pipelines, GitHub Enterprise On-Premise, Jira Server, and more...

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn how we can help you create a high-performing technology organization.

“SEI platforms shine a light on engineering data. They provide software engineering leaders and teams with insights into what engineering data is really saying about how software products are built and deployed and how software engineering teams are performing.” -Innovation Insight for Software Engineering Intelligence Platforms, Gartner, 2023.

Oobeya has a configurable re-analyze period that allows you to choose how often you’d like to refresh the data. Additionally, Oobeya performs re-analyze processes automatically when new commits, pull requests, and deployments are made on checked repositories. This incremental analysis approach helps prevent performance issues by analyzing only the changes made since the last analysis, rather than analyzing the entire dataset each time. This helps to reduce processing time and minimize the impact on system performance.

Yes! You can add and connect multiple data sources (see supported VCS tools below) to Oobeya. Then, you can use all data sources together and analyze your Git repositories.

How It Works

Oobeya’s Gitwiser module collects and transforms data (commits, pull requests, branches, repositories, contributors) from various VCS tools into a common modal.

Supported VCS Tools

GitHub, GitLab, Atlassian Bitbucket, and Azure DevOps (including all enterprise, server, and cloud services/plans). See all integrations here.

Yes! Oobeya analyzes all Pull Requests in the specified branches and generates metrics such as PR Review TimeCoding TimeMerge TimePR SizeAuthorsComments% of PRs Merged Within the Goal, etc.

Oobeya also automatically detects the following risk labels for open Pull Requests: oversizedoverdue, and stale.

You can make a team agreement and set goals for your pull request metrics at the repository and team levels.

Oobeya sets the health status of each deployment by using four methods:
    1. Setting the health status manually.
    2. Detecting “hotfix” patterns (in Git branch, PR, Deployment name) automatically.
    3. Tracking incidents from Application Performance / Incident Management tools.
    4. [Upcoming Feature] Oobeya Deployment API – Oobeya will provide an API that can be used to set the health status of each deployment.
See all the details here.

Yes, it is possible to group teams in Oobeya.

You can define your company’s Organizational Chart by adding custom unit levels to create a hierarchical view in Oobeya. After creating your organizational hierarchy, you can view organization-wide engineering metrics including DORA Metrics.

Oobeya has seamless integration with GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab Cloud, GitLab Enterprise, Bitbucket Cloud, Bitbucket Server, AzureDevOps Cloud, AzureDevOps Server.

Yes, you can use Oobeya on-premise. Oobeya has a robust on-premise / self-hosted edition. You can run Oobeya via Docker and Kubernetes.

You can install Oobeya in five minutes by following our installation tutorial. After installation, you can easily integrate your data sources, analyze code repositories + boards + deployment pipelines, measure DORA Metrics, and import users.

We offer a range of technical support options to our customers, including a dedicated support team that’s available during regular business hours. Our team is committed to providing timely and effective assistance to resolve any issues that arise, and we prioritize quick response times to minimize any potential problems for our customers.

For our Enterprise & Premium plans, we also offer Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for support. These provide specific guarantees for response and resolution times to ensure our customers receive fast and efficient support when they need it.

In terms of patching, we release regular updates to improve the software’s functionality and user experience. These updates follow industry best practices for patching, and we strive to release patches as soon as possible after any issues are identified. Our customers are notified of patch releases and can easily download and install the updates via our guides.

Overall, we’re committed to providing our customers with excellent operational support and patching to ensure that our software performs at the highest level. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Security at Oobeya is our highest priority. We have ISO 27001 certification (the leading international standard focused on information security).

See the documentation for the security policies and practices of Oobeya. If you have any questions about security, please contact us.

Yes, we’ve launched our playground to show you Oobeya in action!

You can see a live demo of Dashboards, Scorecards, Leagues, Gitwiser Repository Analytics, and other significant features.

Click and see the Oobeya Playground.