Lead Time For Changes (DORA Metrics)


Lead Time for Changes is the duration between committing a code change and having it successfully deployed to production. It measures the efficiency of your development pipeline.

Why it Matters

Shorter lead times mean:

  • Faster Delivery: Quick implementation of features and fixes.
  • Increased Agility: Ability to respond promptly to market demands or customer feedback.
  • Improved Developer Satisfaction: Streamlined processes reduce frustration and enhance productivity.

Organizations with minimal lead times are better positioned to outperform competitors and adapt to change.

How to Use It

To reduce your Lead Time for Changes:

  • Optimize Your Workflow: Identify and eliminate bottlenecks in your development process.
  • Automate Testing and Deployment: Use automation tools to speed up repetitive tasks.
  • Foster Collaboration: Encourage open communication between development, operations, and quality assurance teams.

Learn More

  • Interested in reducing your Lead Time for Changes? Check out our article on reducing lead time for expert advice.
  • Start your trial now and see actionable results in minutes with the Oobeya Software Engineering Intelligence Platform.
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