How To Reduce Lead Time For Changes (Optimizing DORA Metrics)

A guide to help teams reduce the Lead Time For Changes (DORA Metrics) metric. In this article, we will take a closer look at one of DORA Metrics, Lead Time For Changes (Change Lead Time), and how it can be reduced to optimize software development and delivery processes. Metrics are a way of measuring something....

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Oobeya August 2022 Product Updates – TeamCity Integration, DORA Metrics Widget Enhancements, Exclude Deployments, New PR Metrics and more…

Oobeya August 2022 Updates Summary 🎉  We are super excited to share our new features and improvements with you! TeamCity integration is ready! Calculate and track TeamCity DORA metrics! Oobeya Dashboard DORA Metrics Widget now displays all DORA Metrics! Exclude deployments to calculate DORA Metrics more accurately! Select Gitwiser analysis period to optimize analysis performance...

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Oobeya? What Does Oobeya Mean? Why Did We Choose The Name Oobeya?

If you’re familiar with Lean Manufacturing and the Toyota Production System, you’ve probably heard of Oobeya. What does Oobeya mean? Why did we decide on the name Oobeya? TL;DR Oobeya is a Japanese word that means “Large Room”. The term “Oobeya” is a part of the Toyota Product System (TPS) and Lean manufacturing. From our...

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Stack Overflow 2022 Developer Survey: Where Is The Industry Heading?

Stack Overflow 2022 Developer Survey: Where Is The Industry Heading? The results of Stack Overflow’s 2022 Developer Survey were recently published. The survey gathered information from 70,000 developers from various countries, roles, and technologies. “This report is based on a survey of 73,268 software developers from 180 countries around the world.” – Stack Overflow Developer...

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